Track & Field Writers Association 2020 Books of the Year

by Christine BishopRace called off, feeling down, wondering what to do? You might want to read books by the ten nominees for the Track & Field Writers Association Book of the Year award. Proudly, one of them is by our own columnist, Dr. Russ Ebbets. …
Dr. Russ Ebbets by Russ Ebbetsversal themes all runners and athletes face. Russ Ebbets draws on a lifetime of experiences detailed

Off the Road: The Bad Race

by Russ Ebbets"There are few people who wake up race day morning and say, 'I think I’ll have a bad race today.' But planned or unplanned, the longer one competes the greater the probability that a “bad race” and a t-shirt may be all one has to show for a …
by Russ Ebbetsversal themes all runners and athletes face. Russ Ebbets draws on a lifetime of experiences detailed … Russ Ebbets

Off The Road: The Code of Tactical Commands

by Russ Ebbets"One of the ways to teach a technical element or technique style of a sport is to use word cues that the athlete can associate with desired actions. The cues might serve as reminders to the athlete to assure proper sequencing of ..." …
by Russ Ebbets One of the ways to teach a technical ele…versal themes all runners and athletes face. Russ Ebbets draws on a lifetime of experiences detailed

Two New Books by Pace Setter Columnists

Two of our columnists have written wonderful books that would make fantastic holiday gifts and if ordered online can be at your doorstep within a day. Nancy Clark’s book is her 6th edition of her Sports Nutrition Guidebook. It is a great reference book an…
Russ Ebbets Russ Ebbets has taught in the USATF Coaching Education f

Off the Road – Specialization in Sports

by Russ EbbetsAt some point athletes must decide what sport they want to specialize in and that is sensible. However, what about children whose parents decide for them? Many parents read about child prodigies in sports who were started early by their pare…
by Russ Ebbetsne sport may not be best path to success Russ Ebbets

November Pace Setter Survey Question

by Members of the Running CommunityReaders were asked: What was your reaction to Eliud Kipchoge running a sub 2 hour marathon and what is the implication of it for the future of running? Their responses cover a range of opinions. What is your reaction to …
times in standard races in the future. Russ Ebbets Although the race was staged

Off The Road – Racing Adversity

by Russ EbbetsIn this installment of Off the Road, Russ talks about adversity in running and how it can either hinder or enhance runners. The examples he gives are thrilling and because of the magic of the Internet, videos are included in the article. …
by Russ Ebbets Only bad things happen fast. That… Detraining When I was a Child Russ Ebbets

Race Starting

by Dr. Russ EbbetsIn his column, Off The Road, Russ Ebbets deals with how to put your best foot forward when starting a race. "Starting is an aggressive act. One goes from zero to race speed in seconds, through force of will." For full article,…
by Dr. Russ Ebbets Starting is an aggressive act. One goes …a skill worth practicing and perfecting. Russ Ebbets

The Long Trail: Running and Hiking

by Russ EbbetsLou Zamperini, you’ll remember, was the focus of the recent movie Unbroken and the author of his stunning autobiography about his Pacific Ocean survival and WW2 concentration camp experiences in Devil at my Heels. Lou was an accomplished run…
by Russ Ebbets When Lou Zamperini was just getting star…lub website for information and details. Russ Russ Ebbets Archive Mortons Neuroma The Bijou

Morton's Neuroma

by Russ Ebbets, DCIn his role as a chiropractor, Russ Ebbets describes a problem, Morton's Neuroma, common to runners and how to treat it. Russ has also written a book, Time and Chance that was reviewed in last month's Pace Setter by Mark Mindel. …
by Russ Ebbetss a good idea to seek professional help. Russ Russ Ebbets Archive The Bijou Mile

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