Cold Weather Running By Benita Zahn

By Benita Zahn Read on for a brief summary of the cold Turkey Trot of 2024 and tips on how to make it through cold weather running this winter. For full article, click here
opper to put on for the ride home. Dr. Benita Zahn is a certified Health and Wellness Coach wor

Cold Weather Running By Benita Zahn

By Benita Zahn Read on for a brief summary of the cold Turkey Trot of 2024 and tips on how to make it through cold weather running this winter. For full article, click here
opper to put on for the ride home. Dr. Benita Zahn is a certified Health and Wellness Coach wor

Out of Town Running

by Benita ZahnBeing out of town doesn’t have to mean being out of your running routine. For full article, click here
Photo courtesy of Benita Zahn Being out of town doesn… Photo courtesy of Benita Zahn Turns out this … Photo courtesy of Benita Zahn You might also like to check out the Be

Sunscreen – Use it, Wear it, and Reapply it. Your Skin Will Love You For It

by Benita ZahnIt is finally summer! This means club members are doing sunny and hot runs. Read on to learn more about protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. For full article, click here
by Benita Zahn It… it. Your skin will love you for it. Dr. Benita Zahn is a certified Health and Wellness Coach wor

Singlecut North – A Race I'll Drink To

by Dr. Benita ZahnRunning is both personal and social. When you find a race that hits the high mark on both counts AND provides practical swag, you sign up for the race again and again. Read on to learn more about how The SingleCut North Have a Drink on M…
Benita Zahn Photo courtesy of Benita Zahn Running is both personal and social. I t… for this year's race. Photo courtesy of Benita Zahn The 5km course starts and ends at the br

Runner Tough

by Dr. Benita ZahnSometimes our performance is better than anticipated. Other times we are just happy to finish. Regardless of your performance, "When you can’t run, you walk. When you can’t walk, you crawl, and no matter how many times you fall, that jus…
by Dr. Benita Zahn I…the moments are well worth it. About Dr. Benita Zahn Benita is a certified Health and Wellne

Exercise or Medicine

by Dr. Benita ZahnExercise can be as great for your mental health as it is for your physical health. Dr. Benita Zahn describes some of the benefits of running on our mental health and the research that supports this. For full article, …
by Dr. Benita Zahn When I was a child and the world seemed …problem About Dr. Benita Zahn Benita is a certified Health and Wellne

Mind Over Matter

by Dr. Benita Zahn As runners, we struggle from time to time as we train. It's sometimes easy to forget that mental training is as important as our strength and endurance work. Read about mental training and the personal story of Keri Alonzo and her inner…
by Dr. Benita Zahn It doesn…_____________________________ About Dr. Benita Zahn Benita is a certified Health and Wellne

Members’ 2023 Achievements and 2024 Goals

by 30 Members+2023 saw many great achievements involving races we love and some with exotic ones like a 50K race in the Swiss Alps (Bill Hoffman). Some involved incredible achievements like running 6 marathons in a year with the last three being sub 3 hou…
My goal for 2024 is to complete a 5K. Benita Zahn I was cast in sSheer Madness at the Lak

May Your Dreams Come True

by Benita ZahnAs runners, we all have dreams about what we hope will happen: triumphs at races, PRs, training plans that work. Is this good? Absolutely, for without them, how can dreams come true? As we look ahead and into 2024, what are your dreams? …
by Benita Zahn I often refer to a lyric from the musica… come true. About Dr. Benita Zahn Benita is a certified Health and Wellne

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