What is your age, occupation, background, hobbies, and other sports?
Age: 39 Occupational: Physician/pathologist Background: from Lake Placid and competed in Ski jumping and alpine ski racing growing up Hobbies: gardening, raising chickens Other sports: skiing.
When and why did you start running?
Started running back in 2013. I ran 3 miles here and there for fitness and hiked a lot before that but didn’t start actually doing road races and training until 2013.
What’s your favorite race to date, and why?
Probably Mohawk Hudson marathon because it is local, it’s at an ideal time of year, and I enjoy the course and the atmosphere at the finish.
What is your approach to training? Do you follow a particular training plan, or do you work with a coach and if so, who?
I follow a Kickasso training plan and am coached by Karen Bertasso. In order to stick with it, I need structure and someone knowledgeable to hold me accountable. It also keeps it fun opening up my app and seeing what “task” I have each day.
What is your weekly mileage in peak racing/marathon training season?
What is your approach to the off season I aim to do 55-60 miles as my peak, but realistically I get busy and work gets in the way so I usually peak at 45-55.
During our cold winter days, do you brave poor weather conditions or stick indoors on the treadmill? If you do run outside, what safety measures do you take?
SUNYI try to go outside if I can. If it’s impossible I’ll use the treadmill. I try to go to SUNY a lot because it is lit and plowed. It’s kind of a long drive but it gets me out and running! Meeting friends also makes the drive worthwhile.
List your PRs: Race, time, year
My PR’s were a very long time ago. I have work to do!
Mohawk Hudson Marathon (MHR): 2017 3:18
MHR Half marathon: 2014 1:28
5k: 2014 - 19:31. Breast cancer run for the cure
What is your favorite distance? Your favorite shoe for training and racing
My favorite distance is the full marathon but I think if there were more 20 miler races then that would be my favorite.
My favorite shoe for training are Saucony Endorphin Speed and for racing I really like the new Nike Vaporflys that came out this year. I was using the Saucony version before.
Ever run in a costume?
No but I would love running one day in a Santa undies run.
What are your favorite pre-race and post-race meals?
Pre-race meal I usually go for spaghetti and meatballs and maybe ice cream or hot fudge sundae. Cheese quesadillas are good too. I feel like a get a boost and more energy. Post race - I’m usually not that hungry after a big effort but I know I need recovery so I’ll pick something healthy like salmon with veggies and potatoes or chicken or something like that.
What challenges / races / adventures are you planning for the coming year? Helderberg to Hudson half is on the schedule this year. I’ve already set up coaching and have a training plan for that. After that maybe I’ll be ambitious and go for Lake Placid?! If not though, then I’ll go for Mohawk Hudson River again and then 2025 Boston!
What is the greatest piece of advice you've ever received in the sport?
“Running will always be there.” When life gets busy and you take a break , running will be there waiting for anytime you want to come back to it. It’s very loyal.
Janne at the Mohawk Hudson Marathon, 2016