by Ravi Chauhan, HMRRC President
Volunteers are the club’s life blood! At every race you see them, frequently with a smile, handing you water, stopping traffic, or finding you pins for your bib. The list goes on and on. We couldn’t hold a single race without them, and we hold more than 20 a year because of them. When I say they are our life blood, it’s because they pulse through and feed each and every part of the club.
Many of our volunteers are runners and some are not, but we all see the shared value that the volunteer roles provide to the club and the community. New in 2024, HMRRC is offering a small measure to show our appreciation for all our volunteers do for the club, runners and non-runners alike. A full year membership will be offered to all volunteers for any HMRRC race in 2024.
How does it work? If you are already a member, you are used to getting a renewal email once your membership is due. We will simply credit you an extra year once your membership is due. For example, if you renewed in November 2023 and volunteer at Winter Series 3 in January 2024, your membership will be extended from November 2024 to November 2025. Just make sure you check-in with the volunteer coordinator at the race. Not a member, or have a lapsed membership, no problem. When the coordinator verifies that you volunteered at a race, you’ll be offered a full year of family membership from the day of the race forward into 2025. Register your whole family to get access to the full HMRRC race schedule, which includes 12 free races throughout the year, race discounts for HMRRC races and partner races, early access to the Pace Setter, and all the other perks of being a member in our local running community. Volunteer a second or ninth time in 2024, Great! Your new renewal date will move from the one year out from the last race you volunteered.
Thank you, we couldn’t do it without you!