Yoga for Runners

by Sally Drake

Each month, I feature a yoga pose, breathing technique or guided meditation that is beneficial for runners. Yoga helps improve flexibility; increase strength; enhance balance and stability; provide stress relief, better breathing and faster recovery. Even just a few minutes of yoga added to your pre or post run routine will positively impact not just your athletic pursuits, but all areas of your life.

Trikonasana is a full body yoga pose with both stretching and strengthening benefits. It is a phenomenal hip opener and hip flexor stretch, perfect for runners. The slight twist through the low spine provides a low back release and the pose strengthens the quadriceps, stretches the hamstrings, shoulders, and chest. As a balancing pose it enhances mind-body awareness and focus.

How To: In a yoga class, Triangle pose is often entered from Warrior 2. To practice it as a stand-alone pose, try these steps:

– Step your feet wide (about 3-4 feet apart) and extend your arms into a t-position

– Turn the left (front) foot so the toes face forward and keep your right (back) perpendicular to the front foot.

– Press the right hip back toward the back heel and tilt the torso forward and rest the left hand on the shin, inner leg, block, or foot. Reach the right arm up, extending the fingers toward the sky/ceiling. Aim to stack the shoulders, reaching the arms in opposite directions.

Tips:  I encourage the use of a block in Trikonasana to help keep the torso lifted. Think about the rotation through the ribcage to keep both sides of the torso extended and the heart open. As you feel steady and stable in the pose, lift the gaze toward the right fingers. Be sure to practice the pose on both sides!

Sally Drake has been a runner in the Capital District community for over twenty years. In May, 2023 she received her 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate from Styles Yoga at the Hot Yoga Spot.  Follow her on Instagram at @sdrakeyogi for more yoga inspiration.

Running the Albany County Fall Festival 5K on September 30th? Join me after the race for a yoga session in the pavilion located on the rail trail in Slingerlands!  

Because of technical issues with our August issue, we are providing Sally’s August stance in case you could not access her article.

Each month, I will feature a yoga pose, breathing technique or guided meditation that is beneficial for runners. Yoga helps improve flexibility; increase strength; enhance balance and stability; provide stress relief, better breathing and faster recovery. Even just a few minutes of yoga added to your pre or post run routine will positively impact not just your athletic pursuits, but all areas of your life.

Yoga for Runners
Pose of the Month: Reclined Pigeon/Supine Figure 4 Stretch (Supta Kapotasana)

Reclined pigeon pose stretches the outer hip flexors and glutes, as well as the IT band, the connective tissue that runs along the outer thigh to the shin. It is a gentle hip opener and may also help relieve low back pain. Reclined pigeon is extremely effective for runners with tight hips and often more accessible than pigeon pose. Reclined pigeon is perfect to do post-run.

How To: Begin by laying on your back with the knees bent and feet on the earth. Make a figure-4 with the legs by lifting the right foot, opening the knee to the side and placing the right ankle on the left knee. Gently press the right knee away from you. Keep the head, neck and shoulders relaxed on the mat. If you feel a good stretch in the outer right hip with both feet planted, keep them on the ground. To go a bit deeper into the stretch, lift the left foot off the mat and wrap your hands around the left thigh, gently drawing the thigh closer to you. Hold for several rounds of breath and repeat on the other side (*picture shows pose on left side).


Sally Drake has been a runner in the Capital District community for over twenty years. In May 2023 she received her 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate from Styles Yoga at the Hot Yoga Spot. You can find her this summer teaching a weekly Yoga in the Park class at Tawasentha Park in Guilderland, every Tuesday evening June 6-August 8 from 6:30-7:30pm.

Follow her on Instagram at @sdrakeyogi for more yoga inspiration.




All photos were taken by Jeff Drake

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Running the Albany County Fall Festival 5K on September 30th? Join me after the race for a yoga session in the pavilion located on the rail trail in Slingerlands

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