by Chris Bishop
You may not know who Bill Meehan is but undoubtedly you have seen him at almost every HMRRC race running around taking pictures on the ground, crouching, or sometimes from ladders to get the perfect shot. He is in charge of the other photographers in our group and compiles all the photos they send him into the HMRRC Photos section that documents all our races. This task can be daunting and time consuming. One photographer covering the Mohawk Hudson River Marathon took pictures in the burst mode and sent him over 10,000 to edit! And that was just one photographer at the event!
Bill also creates the monthly banner picture that links from the front of The Pace Setter to the HMRRC photos. Here is his one for the February issue:
Bill is a perfectionist who is constantly upgrading his skills to produce better visuals for our members. He recently branched out into making videos and below is one that he made about the Just Run program sponsored by our club that introduces elementary school students to the joy of running. Someone suggested that he take pictures of events with drones. Who knows!!
Bill has also made two creative additions to the Photo Section on the Grand Prix winners and the HMRRC Race Directors.
Bill's Background
When and why did you start running? Started in high school in mid-‘60s to get in shape for other sports. The other sports didn’t work out and I learned to love running, especially on the cross country team at UAlbany.
What were your favorite races when you ran? (Any marathons?). Troy Turkey Trot 10K, Workforce Challenge, Stockade-athon, Skylon Marathon and Boston Marathon.
PRs from your running days? 10K: 33:22, 15K: 53:16, 10M: 55:28, Marathon: 2:47.
What happened that made you stop running? Bad knees.
Many who no longer can run, leave the club yet you stayed on to take on other roles. Why? I became the first “Keeper of the Clock,” so I continued after running. Stayed active because of all the friends I have in the HMRRC.
When did you take up photography and was it with an aim to help our club? I think I first became interested in photography when I won a small film camera at a church festival when I was a kid. When digital photography came along, you could take as many photos as you wanted. It allowed me to challenge myself to get the best shots I could of runners. I still enjoy this challenge.
What was the first photo coverage you did for the HMRRC in what year? Early 2000s. May have been a Winter Series race.
What events do you enjoy covering the most? “Just Run” track and cross country meets for elementary school runners and the Workforce Challenge because I love getting in front of the walkers toward the end of the race.
What was your most difficult photo adventure? Most pleasant? Most pleasant was on a trip to Italy. So many great scenes, whether it’s the ancient buildings, inside of churches, the countryside, the coast line, or lemons as large as grapefruits.
What do you have in mind for the future? More video, now that I’ve become comfortable with video editing.
2014 Hall of Fame Winner
His accomplishments up to 2014 are listed above but he has continued to do more for the club or in a reverse way: he has never stopped. Dedication is a great quality of his along with perseverance, talent, industriousness, and affability. Our organization is so lucky to have him and for his unceasing support. He knows that running has improved his life and he is trying to give this gift to others. Thank you, Bill. We are all in your debt.
With cameras and tripod, Bill and I will be covering the Runnin’ of the Green on March 18 and the Delmar Dash on April 16. See you there!