by Bill Meehan, Pace Setter Graphics Editor, and Chis Bishop, Editor
Bill Meehan is one of the unsung heroes of our club. He was a top runner and then his knees decided not to support him in this role. So, what does a true lover and advocate of running do? ... He became the photographer for the HMRRC and learned his craft as he went along, including taking graduate courses to refine his photographic skills. He spends hours on the course taking pictures and then hours at home refining his pictures and going through the thousands of pictures his fellow photographers, such as myself, send him from each race. When he is done, he puts them into photogalleries for all to view on the Pace Setter website. If you see him on the race course, thank him, for without him, we would not have the historical records and wonderful memories of the races the HMRRC has put on.
Click here for the rest of the top pictures of 2022 and Happy Running in 2023!
Thank you, Bill!!!!!!