Best Pace Setter Articles of 2022

by Christine Bishop

As the editor of the Pace Setter, it is fun to go back over the entire year and choose the best article for each month. If you would like to do the same, you can click on the desired month and an index will appear with links to all articles. Have fun!


Confessions of a Lazy Geezer: My Very Modest Running Goal for 2022

by Stephanie Mumford Brown

Most of the articles harkened back to 2021 but this took a wry look at what 2022 could hold for a serious runner with “modest” goals.


                  Jump Shot Queen Eleonora Morrell

“Donation of a Lifetime” by Kristen Hislop

There were lots of top articles here including a series of runner bios on Ryan Udvadia, Tyler Morrissey, Emily Taft, Pete Rowell, Josh Merlis, Steve Sweeney, Theresa DeLorenzo, Michael DiNicola, Michelle Davis, and Erin Rasco, but the standout article is Kristen Hislop’s “Donation of a Lifetime” that details runner Eleonora Morrell’s gift of a kidney to her half-sister’s daughter.  Bravo, Eleonora and Kristen.


Roads With Salt and Potholes, Oh My!

by Hugh Johnson

Again, runner bios of DeAnnWebster, Tom O’Grady, Megan James, Mary Claire Walker, and Bill Hoffman were fun but the most riveting article talked about the horrible road conditions typical of winter. Be prepared!


"Life is a Lot Harder Than Running in This Race"

by Josh Merlis

The April issue had interviews with coaches Karen Bertasso, Lauren Carnahan, Michael DiNicola, Kristen Hislop, Megan James, Nicholas Marcantonio, Mark Mindel, Mat Nark, Tom O’Grady, Dick Vincent, and Brian Yates but the unforgettable article was Josh Merlis’ 2nd running of the Electric City 5K when a freak snowstorm changed the equation for the runners.


Running Through Calamity

by Amber Coppolo

Lots of races were covered including the Boston Marathon; runner interviews with Cara Sherman (now Udvadia) and Scott Mindel; but Amber Coppolo’s account of her battle with cancer at a young age is riveting, unforgettable and inspirational. Amazingly and happily, Amber could be seen at many races in 2022 and she did well.  Our wishes are with her!


HMRRC 2022 Distinguished Service Award Winners: Jessica and Brian Northan

So many things were covered in this issue like the awarding of the HMRRC Schrader Scholarshipts for $3,000  apiece to 6 HS scholar athletes;  the ever amazing CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge 2022; Freihofer’s celebrated race; Karen Bertasso and Kim MacGregor Law’s surprise encounter at the Fargo, ND Marathon; but the most important article was about Jessica and Brian Northan, the winners of the 2022 Distinguished Service Award who richly deserved the award for their numerous and exceptional services to the HMRRC.


Take Me Out to the Valley Cats Home Run 5K Race

by Poet Laureate, Brina Seguine

Brina celebrates the HMRRC Valley Cats Home Run 5K race that takes place at the Valley Cats stadium complete with hot dogs, hamburgers and other great refreshments with one of her many poems that she has written for us.



By Bill Hoffman

*Shockingly* the Hard as Hell Half Marathon is ... Hard as Hell by Jon Lindenaeur who was talked into a race by local running legend Shaun Donegan was a strong competitor but Bill Hoffman’s tale of woe in his primarily injury free running career for over a decade until this past year. Although his accidents were serious his resolve to continue on was courageous.


What is Even Better than Personal Success? A Shared Passion!

by Todd Shatynski

September saw the introduction of the Pace Setter Social page where engagements weddings, anniversaries, births, and deaths of our members are reported on but the story of a father’s gift of running to his son was exceptionally moving.


Hairy Gorilla Race: A Wild Halloween Treat

by Christine Bishop

There were lots of great races reported on such as the MHR Marathon and Half, the Berlin Marathon, Chicago Marathon, the ADK Distance Festival Half Marathon, and the HMRRC Labor Day Race, but the Hairy Gorilla Race with macabre touches enveloping Thacher Park and attended by families and individuals alike most in  costumes followed by a sumptuous barbecue on a gorgeous fall day was the winner.


2022 Stockade-athon 15K: Lou Serafini Crushes Course Again

The December issue saw Jim Moore receive the 2022 Hall of Fame award for his astounding accomplishments; Michelle Merlis and her team win 2nd place in an international ultra running event in Thailand, and the start of the HMRRC Winter Series, but the event that was celebrated even by Kathrine Switzer’s husband, took the prize.

Graphic from Outside
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