Staying in Shape During the Winter and Year 2022 in Review

by Brina Seguine, Pace Setter Poet Laureate

As the temperature starts to sink.
Some people may start to think.
How in winter can I stay fitter?
Even as the weather turns bitter.
Gotta dress in layers to keep warm.
To keep myself in good form.
Plus when I feel the cold air blast.
It encourages me more to run fast.
I think the faster that I go.
The faster I get my hot cocoa.
What if it’s bad weather with snow to the brim?
Well, I can take a visit to my local gym.
There I can still work on my fitness.
Treadmills, with dumbbells to witness.
What if everyone driving on the road should be gone?
I can always work with a fitness app like FitOn.
I can stay in shape this season is clear.
And soon better weather will be here.
So, stay fit and train for that PR
For in spring races, you’ll go far!

In case you missed Brina’s Poem for the December Pace Setter, that recapped running for the year of 2022, here it is.

Brina Seguine, our poet laureate, sums up 2022

Running with Positivity in 2022
by Brina Seguine

The beginning of the year for runners looked bleak.
There were no in person races that they could seek.
Runners were thinking what do we do?
Luckily this was only for a month or two.
Then in March there was a big cheer.
The mandate for masks was no longer here.
Runners were feeling more than fine.
Without masks on as they toed the line.
There were many races this year that went on.
ROG, Freihofers, and the Mohawk Hudson Marathon.
There was even some more recent fun.
There were Turkey Trots as well as the Jingle Bell Run.
For runners it was a much better year.
There’s lots of hope and joy as 2023 comes near!

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Brina is an elite runner who enjoys challenges both mental and physical. She pursues many sports and has a reputation as a wicked pool player. She is also the HMRRC Pace Setter Poet Laureate. If you click on her photo, you will be able to read her other poems and articles about her varied accomplishments.

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