What is your background/qualifications that led you to coaching?
I ran at Niskayuna High School and at Union College. I started coaching HS cross country and track when I graduated.
Years of experience coaching? Years of experience running.
47 years coaching (30+ in high school at Averill Park and other schools). 50+ years of running.
Do you have a personal coach, why or why not?
Just me! Or sometimes my son, Scott
What distances do you specialize in/PRs in those distances?
Marathon ~ 2:26:33 at Montreal, 1979 win. Stockade-athon 15k 47:28. 4:03 1500.
Do you program unique schedules for each athlete, or have pre-written programs for specific distances/time goals. How do you program around your athlete’s schedules?
I coach a ‘team’ of runners at Fleet Feet Malta. Right now, I am coaching the Advanced 5k, 10k, Half and Full Marathoners. We meet up every Thursday and Sunday.
Do you specialize in coaching specific distances and or surfaces? I.e. road or trail?
General coaching. We use periodization training with a distance base and peaking for races.
Do you prescribe cross-training as a part of your training schedule?
Cross training (biking, hiking, HIIT, spinning, elliptical, swimming, etc.) is very important for recovery. Weights are important for building overall strength as well.
Do your athletes have the ability to contact you as needed? Or are check-ins planned on a weekly/monthly basis?
We meet up on Thursdays for speed work and Sundays for long runs. Members may contact me 24/7 via text or email with specific questions.
We go over warm up and cool down exercises and routines. Get new shoes and/or orthotics.
What is your first step when an athlete comes to you with pain or injury?
I analyze what the problem is and try to see if there is a way to treat it with exercise or different running gear. If this does not work, we may seek PT or medical advice.
Do you offer free consultations to your prospective clients?
What medium do you deliver your plans in?
Weekly email with weekly workout plans.
What is the address of your coaching website/Best way to contact you.
fleetfeetalbany.com follow link for training programs