While the Distinguished Service Race won’t go off in its usual June time, we will be proceeding with the Distinguished Service Award to be presented at a later time. The vote will be held at the May 12 Board Meeting. All current club members are welcome to attend and are eligible to vote. We continue our meetings virtually via Zoom. If you are interested in attending, please e-mail Jessica Northan- jessicanorthan@hmrrc.com by 7pm May 11. She will send you the meeting link for the 7:30pm meeting to be held on Wed May 12.
Nominators will present their nominees and below is a list of nominees received along with a brief summary of their volunteerism toward HMRRC.
Christine Bishop (nominated by Brian Northan):
Pacesetter Editor notably in the online version era as well as previously serving as a Contributing Editor with various columns including Profiles, Footnotes, and Short Circuits. She also served as a club photographer and as a Coordinator for the CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge handling T-shirt contest and Awards Coordinator.
Danielle Cherniak (nominated by Ed Neiles):
Pace Setter proofreader for 20+ years which includes reading the entire publication in timely, efficient, and very accurate version to correct misspellings, grammar, and factual errors should there be any. Additionally she is currently an Editorial Assistant to the online version.
Sandy Morley (nominated by Ken Skinner):
Assistant Meet Director for the annual Just Run spring track meet and fall cross country meet. She took over as Meet Director for both wrap up events the past few years. Included with this role is acting as clerk organizing the young students by each age group in the various track events and setting up the cross country course. She is also a longtime and steady presence as a timer at the Colonie Tuesday Summer Track meets.
Frank Myers (nominated by Barbara Sorrell):
Founder and Event Director of the Colonie Tuesday Summer Track Series over 50 years ago. Founder and Event Director of the Dynamic Duo which existed for 40 years. HMRRC took over sponsorship of both of these events in 2010 from the Colonie Recreation Dept. He served as Assistant Race Director of Tawasentha XC for 25 years. He and his school teams have volunteered at water stops for MHRM and CDPHP WTC.