Colonie Tuesday Night Summer Track Series – USATF Insurance Requirements

The Tuesday Night Summer Track Series meets are being offered under USATF event sanctioning. In order to obtain insurance for the track meets, HMRRC is required to follow USATF guidance.

USATF COVID guidance was last updated 5/7/21 and may change prior to any and/or all HMRRC outdoor weekly track meets, beginning on July 6 and ending on August 10, 2021. ( Below summarizes the COVID protocols HMRRC must follow for insurance purposes.

Masks:  Masks will be required for everyone (athletes, coaches, volunteers, officials, etc). Athletes may remove masks when warming up or competing. Masks may be removed while eating or drinking.   

Temperature Checks: Athletes, coaches, volunteers, officials, etc. will be temperature checked upon entrance to the facility. Anyone registering a temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit will not be admitted.

COVID Attestation Survey:  Prior to facility admission, each individual shall confirm (self-reporting) the following:

  • no signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in past 7 days
    • (OR at least 7 days from onset of any COVID-19 infection signs or symptoms
    • AND at least 72 hours since signs / symptoms have resolved),
  • no close sustained contact with anyone sick within 14 days of the event
  • no international travel within 10 days of the event.

For athletes, all events fall under Low Risk or Moderate Risk as defined by USATF.  Below are the requirements for entry into Low and Moderate Risk events:

USATF Low Risk Events - as defined by USATF with COVID Protocols:

  • All Field Events
    • Shot Put, Discus, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump
    • COVID Protocol to be followed:
    • Social distancing required
  • Sprints & Hurdles
    • COVID Protocols to be followed:
      • Shall be run entirely in their own lane.
      • Every other lane will be vacant.

There are no testing or vaccination requirements for Low Risk Events.

USATF Moderate Risk Events - as defined by USATF with COVID Protocols:

  • 1500m Race Walk
  • 800m
  • 1500m
  • 3000m
  • All relays not run entirely in lanes

COVID Protocols to be followed for Moderate Risk Events:

  • Athletes will be required to meet the entrance requirements above (masks, temperature check and COVID attestation survey), PLUS one of the following:
  • Proof of vaccination, as defined by the CDC (>2 weeks after the full course of vaccination).
    • Photos/copies will be accepted. 
  • Proof of a confirmed (positive) COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) test via PCR or antigen testing within 90 days of the competition if all the following criteria are met:
    • It has been at least 14 days since the positive COVID-19 test.
    • It has been at least 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever reducing medicine.
    • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are resolved (except for loss of taste or smell, which may take longer to resolve).
  • Proof of one negative COVID-19 antigen or PCR test, performed within seven days of the event.

Note: COVID-19 antibody testing is NOT currently accepted to meet the negative COVID-19 test criterion.

Note: Local retailers such as most CVS and Walgreens locations offer fairly inexpensive COVID antigen test kits that yield results in about 15 minutes. As an example, the BinaxNOW kit is $24 for two tests.

Keep an eye on HMRRC's website ( for additional updates, including an online COVID attestation form and event waiver.

Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for check-in starting at 5:30pm, field events at 6:00pm, and additional timers for sprint events at 6:00pm. Please email Edward Hampston at and express your preference for date(s) and assignment.

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