by Brina Seguine
Last year we weren’t able to do a turkey trot.
ere we happy? No we were not.
here were no in-person races for us around.
ot much racing excitement could be found.
As Thanksgiving rolled around this year.
Runners were experiencing some fear.
Would Thanksgiving racing be like the last?
Thankfully No! The past is in the past!
There were races to run in Troy, Cohoes and more.
With a couple of precautions, races ran like before.
Everyone including me was happy to take part.
As they went on the road before and after the start.
After running their races fierce like beasts.
Runners enjoyed their Thanksgiving feasts.
Although there’s one thought that I now remember.
Why aren’t there holiday trots in the month of December?
We could run around a Christmas tree shining so bright.
With a menorah and Kwanzaa fixture giving off light.
This seems like a good idea to me.
Maybe in the future. We’ll see.
So to wrap up this poem I would like to say.
Keep running, stay healthy, and have a Happy Holiday!
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