See You at the 15th anniversary Summer Expo!

by Darryl and Mona Caron

Dear Adirondack Sports enthusiasts,
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, New York State is restricting gatherings of 500 people or more, including our Adirondack Sports Summer Expo on March 21-22 at the Saratoga Springs City Center.
It is with great sadness that the Summer Expo is postponed. After months of hard work this was not an easy decision, but the right call at this time. Our first priority is the health and well-being of our attendees, vendors, supporters and the community.
Assuming we're in a better place in 10 weeks, we're rescheduling the Summer Expo to May 23-24 at the City Center. Because it’s Memorial Day weekend, we are making it a “Summer Expo & Outdoor Festival” with related events around Saratoga Springs!
This includes paddling at Mountainman Outdoors, the Memorial Duathlon & 5K run/walk, bike rides (road/off-road), a group run/walk, hiking and more! Yes, an indoor/outdoor celebration of sweaty, dirty sports!
We will be share more info it becomes available so please stay tuned. With the uncertainty of the situation, we anticipate making a final go/no go decision by the first week of May. If you'd like to share your feedback, please reply to this message or call me.
The March issue published before the Summer Expo was cancelled so disregard the 'See you at the expo' cover message... But please enjoy the great articles and support our advertisers/exhibitors - mostly local independent businesses and organizations who need our support, especially at this difficult time.
Let's pull together as a community to stay healthy and get through this challenging time. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Happy Spring! It’s time to get outside and “Seize the Daylight!” Please join us for our 15th anniversary ADIRONDACK SPORTS SUMMER EXPO on Saturday-Sunday, March 21-22 at the Saratoga Springs City Center! The free admission show has become upstate New York’s annual gathering of the sports, fitness and travel community! With 200 exhibitors representing outdoor sports, clubs, outings, events and races, plus health practitioners and a wide variety of outdoor destinations across upstate New York. Meet race reps from Peak 2 Brew Relay, Firecracker 4, Freihofer’s Run for Women, Adirondack 15K to the Lakes, Adirondack Marathon & Half Marathon, Good Karma 5K, Great American Brewery Runs, Malta 5K, Revolutionary Run 5K, Sasha’s Superhero Run, plus clubs such as Saratoga Stryders, Roundabout Runners, Adirondack Runners and more. iRun Local will have a booth and host Sunday group run and brunch sponsored by On Running. Fleet Feet will be there with booth space as well, covering shoes, services and their training programs. Runners will find great deals on race registrations, footwear, apparel, and running accessories.

In addition, we’ll have many exhibitors representing bicycling, triathlon, hiking, paddling, recreation, health, fitness and travel. Enter to win raffle prizes, try the activities and demonstrations and sample new products.

This year’s Summer Expo also features Mountainman Outdoors’ canoe, kayak and SUP preview sale, plus great deals on clothing and footwear. Many exhibitors will have sales on gear, clothing, footwear, race/event entries and much more. Enjoy the in-booth clinics, demos, family activities, and fill out your entry ticket for a chance at $10,000 in prizes generously donated by many of our exhibitors. Saturday: 10am-5pm; Sunday: 10am-4pm. For more info, visit and like us on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you HMRRC members for reading Adirondack Sports magazine, attending our expos, and supporting our advertisers/exhibitors for 20 years! We hope to see you there!

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