Why do you run?
I started running in 2001 just before entering the police academy. I kept at it and ran my first race in 2007 and then I was hooked. I’m a health nut and super competitive. So, running/ racing keeps me in shape and satisfies my competitive nature.
What runner inspires you?
When I see any runner my age or older at races. I know how hard I train and let’s face it, none of us are getting any younger. So, I appreciate everything they are doing to keep with it.
What was your worst run?
I try to look at every run/race in a positive way. The fact that God allows me to stay healthy and do something I love to do is a blessing. So, I feel like there are good runs/races and there are runs/races that I learn from and build off of.
What was your best run?
That said my best run had to be last year’s HM marathon. It was my 22nd marathon and I PR’d by over seven minutes. Not to mention I love that race and time of year.
What race are you currently training for?
I kind of lucked out. I just ran the Red Rock Canyon Marathon just outside of Las Vegas in late February, so I got the race in before everything started getting cancelled.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
My #1 bucket list race was always the Boston Marathon which I ran last year. So now I need to come up with another.
Connie is on far right
Why do you run?
Fitness, socialization, endorphins/mental wellness/being present, fresh air
What runner inspires you?
Local (& humble!) runners Martha Degrazia and Peggy McGowan. Their drive and determination motivate me and many others.
What was your worst run?
Labor Day 5k Because of hills, heat and humidity
What was your best run?
Jailhouse Rock 5K due to its insane downhill finish
What race are you currently training for?
WAS training for the NJ Marathon that’s been canceled. I’ll transfer the training for that into a half marathon, perhaps Vermont City.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
Since reading Running with Sherman, I’d love to run in a goat race.
Why do you run?
I run because it provides stress relief and just love the benefits of being in great health.
What runner inspires you?
A retired triathlete, Mark Allen
What was your worst run?
Boston Marathon 2007.
What was your best run?
Mohawk Hudson Marathon 2012.
What race are you currently training for?
My goal is the Gasparilla Tampa Florida in February 2021 and build toward the Tupper Lake Tinman 2021 and do lots of virtual races in between.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
Bucket list run is again a triathlon. Escape from Alcatraz in San Francisco.
Why do you run?
I run as a way to relieve stress. I have a hard time sitting still as well, so running helps me burn off some of the ants in my pants. And, of course, fitness! I love running to be the best runner I can be!
What runner inspires you?
Anyone that gets out there and tries, gives it their all, and defeats adversity. Running is not always easy. I started by moving one step at a time.
What was your worst run?
Boston 2018 was my worst run. I was caught in the horrible conditions, frozen, hypothermic, and was never faced with anything like that in my entire life. I will say, it made me a stronger person, both mentally and physically. I finished!
What was your best run?
Boston 2019 and Celebrate Life Half Marathon- I ran my best times there. Both wonderful experiences.
What races are you currently training for?
I am currently training for the Thacher Park Trail Running Festival 50K, Boston Marathon (virtual edition), and Chicago (waiting).
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
I currently want to complete all the Majors, but I am in no rush to do so.
Why do you run?
Because it’s time to myself with zero distractions.
What runner inspires you?
Do triathletes count as runners? If so, Lionel Sanders.
What was your worst run?
2019 New Jersey Marathon. The first 15 miles felt perfect. I didn’t realize I was behind on my nutrition though and the last 11 miles took longer than the first 15.
What was your best run?
2017 Burlington Marathon. Everything sort of clicked that day. It was my first marathon so maybe I was just naive enough to keep going. Finished in 3:34, which I was thrilled about.
What race are you currently training for?
I’m not training for anything as of the moment.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
Don’t really have one, honestly. I just enjoy being active and race settings are always a new level of fun.
Meet Our Runners Archive
Bashaw, Jessica
Bean, Bill
Chauhan, Liz
Cherniak, Daniele
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Jona Favreau
Hoffman, Bill
Koleci, Vasil
Kim MacGregor Law
Daniel Lennon
Gary Longhi
Meg Louden
Maslowsky, Danielle
McNamara, Jeremy
Northan, Jessica
O’Grady, Tom
Perry, Alex
Sestito, John
Terry, Chuck
Troischt, David