Capital District Challenge Gains

by Brina Seguine

Beginning of June today was the day.

The Capital District Challenge went underway.

Started getting into my running mode.

Took my first step and then I strode.

Felt very normal, yes it’s true.

One foot in front of the other as I do.

I started off running and adding miles for the city of Albany and myself.

However, then I wondered if I could add something else.

I asked if any team would like to have me on it and it became clear.

One did and I got recruited and joined “Do Not Fear A Timer Is Here”.

All of us added the miles in for the team one by one.

Contributed a lot by the time each week was done.

You may ask was each run easy.  It was not.

Sometimes it was just down right hot.

I remember sometimes the weather burned me to the core.

However, I also remember something more.

During the runs, something else had shown.

An untapped potential until now was unknown.

Usually I complete one double digit run at the most.

But during this challenge, I did more of those a week to post.

Kept asking if I could squeeze out another mile

I usually did and sometimes with a smile.

The challenge was unique, and I have to say.

The comradery and personal gains showed up in every way.

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