Leap Day Race: Come Leap With Us

by Phil Carducci

                                  Click on frogs to Register

This race is a rare event.  It premiers on February 29 and won’t return again until 2024.  Since it is the inaugural race, you will have to wait four years to see if you can set a PR in 2024!!  It definitely has a Zen touch to it.

The Leap Day 2.29 mile run/walk in Altamont will be held Sat. Feb 29th at 9:30 a.m.  It starts and finishes at the Altamont Village Hall on Main Street. With really no events happening until March this event fills that gap. While it honors Leap Year and may only be held every 4 years it really does have a purpose - helping to feed those that are hungry and in need of food. So, we ask all those who attend to bring an unexpired dry good product or canned food. Our goal is to collect hundreds of items for our local food pantries. We are also collecting mildly used winter clothing and blankets.

As a bit of fun, there will be a special award for the best Leap Day related costume.  There are the regular overall awards, but the age winners are three deep in 16 categories ranging from 12 and under, to 80 plus. In addition, there will be door prizes and food!!

So, come join us and run/walk a distance you will only see every four years and at the same time help some needy souls in our community. Enter early, save $$$$ and if entered by 2/19/20 you will get a shirt. After that you may or may not get one. groups.

See you all soon for this once in four years event!

                  Click on frogs to register

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