2019 – The Year in Races

by HMRRC Members

The Pace Setter surveyed members and asked them: how many races they ran in 2019, what their total mileage was, and if they had a favorite race or one they enjoyed the most.

Liz Chauhan

January - Hangover half 13.1

February - Winter Series 20M

March - no racing, spent most of the month battling colds

April - Delmar Dash 5M, Helderberg to Hudson Half 13.1

May - Prospect Mt. Run 5.67M (1601 ft gain), Corporate Challenge 3.5 VCM 26.2

June - Father's Day 5k, Summer Solstice Run Mohonk Mt. 15k

July - Boilermaker 15k

August - Peak2Brew Overnight Relay - 37M for my 3 legs

September - SEFCU 5k

October - HMRRC Marathon 26.2

November - Veterans 5k, Stockade-athon 15k, Liberty Challenge (Philly half 13.1 & Philly full 26.2)

Total Racing miles = 226. (I did 78+ with the three fulls)

No racing till the spring. So nothing in December.

Scott Mindel

25 races 172.5 miles

I’ll go with my last race of the year: the 3K at BU Mini Meet #3.  It was my only pr this year and Sasha and Dylan were there cheering me on.

Jessica Northan

In 2019 I “raced” 26 times, and I also participated in 7 other races at casual or training level efforts: 5 snowshoe races for ~23 miles 5 XC ski races for ~105 miles.  Actual running:  3 marathons for 78.6 miles 2 1/2 marathons (1 casual effort, 1 training pace) for 26.2 miles 5 trail races for ~24 miles 6 5k races (1 casual effort) for 18.6 miles 1 3.5 mile race 1 1 mile race 4 HMRRC races (training paces) for ~33 miles. Total Race Miles: 150.7

Michelle Merlis- I ran 15 races for a combined ~141 miles.

For me the Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon was the best race of the year because it was the day I not only saw, but participated in, a dream of Josh's as it came true.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing him accomplish big life goals!

John Kinnicut

14 races; 133 miles

Jon Louden

I’m counting 16 races for 133 miles (132.9 if you want exact). My favorite was the New Jersey Marathon ... I felt so comfortable the entire race and got my first BQ.

Meg Louden

I did 14 races a total of 130 miles. My favorite was Boston.

David Troischt

2019: 9 races, 130 race miles in total

NYC Marathon because it was my first time running this one: perfect weather, and I tan it well.

Alex Perry

14 races for a total of 123.6 mi

Anthony Guiliano

Looks like I ran about 120.3 miles in races in 2019

I would have to say the Mohawk Hudson Half. I felt like I had been in better shape heading into previous years for this race and weather had affected my times. This year I only did 1 long run leading up to the half and really looked at the race as “let’s just get this over with.” Once I got to mile 6, I realized I was running a pretty good race and still felt good. So I just stuck with it and got a :51 PR. I took the pressure off and didn’t expect much but ended up being a great day and made up for the previous attempts that I felt I could’ve run faster.

Kristen Garzone

1. DC Rock N Roll Half – 13.1

2. Helderberg to Hudson Half – 13.1

3. Maine Coast Marathon for Every Mother Counts – 26.2

4. CDPHP Workforce Challenge – 3.5

5. Freihofer’s Run for Women – 3.1

6. Valley Cats Father’s Day Home Run 5k – 3.1

7. Jailhouse Rock – 3.1

8. Saratoga Palio – 13.1

9. Hartford Half for Jordon Porco Foundation – 13.1

10. Stockadeathon – 9.3

11. Philadelphia Half – 13.1

12. Troy Turkey Trot – 6.2


Theresa DeLorenzo

Total racing mileage is 120. (Includes two Ragnar’s and one was an ultra ragnar)

Bill Bean

Mile (3) 5K (6) 3.5 M (1) 4 M (1) 5 M (1) 10K (3) 8 M (1) 15K (3) 10M (1) Half M. (2) 115.5 miles

Kim McGregor Law

3 marathons, 2 half marathons, 1 15k, 1 5k 117.2 miles in 7 races.  Looking forward to many more this year.

Sean O’Donnell

Total of approx 115 miles running (didn't calculate swimming and biking)

Justin Peabody

Not including the Colonie track meets, i ran 14 races with a combined mileage of 97 miles

Nathan Laing

Races: Running of the Green 4 miler, Shamrock Shuffle 5 Miler, Helderberg Hudson Half, Clifton Park Community Church 5K, Sacandaga Half, Run for the Horses 5K, Palio Half, Mohawk Hudson Marathon, Stockadathon. 90 miles

Favorite Race: The Mohawk Hudson Marathon was the culmination of my first marathon training block, complete with close to race knee pain, humid summer runs, a couple dehydration incidents, and a 26.2 mile effort that summed up the hundreds that add up to it.

With firsts we learn things as they happen and apply aforementioned tips.

D Jeremy McNamara

459 miles actually

It's about 15 miles bike races, 73 miles running races, the rest is tri

About 6500 total training miles

1130 are running

Katie McNamara

Ironman Maryland was my best race of the year. Heat and jellyfish slowed me down, but I still came away with a bike and Ironman PR. It was a beautiful course and spectator friendly on the run, which was great!

Alyssa Hall Risko

I actually had a low year race-wise due to injury so I ran the United Airlines Half and then ran half of the Boston Marathon and had to pull out due to injury so while training for Berlin I only trained while working on injury and did no racing and successfully completed Berlin in 3:41:32 so that equals about 52 miles of actual racing! Also did OK5k!

And Turkey Trot: 61.3 Total.

Now I am training for London!I had applied for the London lottery and did not get in but then was informed I qualified for an “age-graded” championship that they are doing for the first time. So I’m pretty excited!!

Christine Myers

I raced Silks ‘n' Satins 5K, Jailhouse rock 5k, Saratoga Palio 13.1, Mohawk Hudson 26.2, Stockade-athon, and the Troy Turkey Trot 10k 56 Miles Total

All of my other races earlier in the year were for school so they don't count haha

Colleen Schermerhorn-Murray

173 miles of racing for the year - Helderberg Half marathon 12.1 miles, Ironman CT 70.3 13.1 miles running, Ironman World Championship, Nice, France 70.3. 13.1 miles running,  Mohawk Hudson Half Marathon. Troy Turkey Trott 10k

5 races: 56.6 running

Marna Meltzer McMorris

I ran Running of the Green, Workforce Team Challenge, Silks and Satins, Stockadeathon, Cardiac Classic and that’s about it. Well, Boston too. So racing totals are small, like 48 miles small. Overall training mileage for the year was just under 1,000 as I lost July and August from a quad injury.

Dennis Beardsley

Ice Breaker 5K 3.11

Helderburg Half 13.1

Fly By Night Duathlon 24.54

Troy Turkey Trot 10K 6.22

46.97 miles total

Brian Teague

Interesting question nobody has asked me before! I had to check the spreadsheet I have kept since 1975 which includes 1396 races. 2019 has been a down year due to ongoing injuries. I ran only 12 races for a total of 56.49 miles. That compares to a career average of 28 races a year. My highest were in my 20s when from 79 to 81 I ran 58, 63, and 60 races respectively in those 3 years. I haven't come close to those totals since. Biggest racing year since was 2003 with 45. I've never been a big fan of speedwork so always tried to find low key races to use as a substitute.

Nicole Moslander

The most meaningful race for me this year was Freihofer's Run for Women, I ran the race with my daughter, MaryEllen (7 years old). This was her first 5k. I guess you could say the best race this year was XC Nationals, running in the rain and mud was a lot of fun and finishing a 6k in 24:18 was an accomplishment for me.

Amanda Pilla

My favorite: I ran the first annual Albany Knicks prop trot with my sister. It was her the 5k that made her decision to run cross country in 7th grade!

Ralph Feinstein

 I ran 32 races in 2019, but didn't keep track of the mileage. I originally said that the Bacon Hill Run was my favorite but thought of another race I like too --  the Sacandaga Sport's Pub 10k. It’s a relaxed, small race, with a nice course including scenic views of the lake.

Jon Lindenauer

I ran races roughly every other weekend from the spring through the early fall.

Martha DeGrazia

I ran 2 marathons, Boston and Copenhagen in Oct plus several half marathons.

I usually train at 45 – 55 per week depending on when in marathon training.

I had the flu in November which affected Stokade-athon and my current running times – but coming back!

I love European races and the races I do in Westchester where I grew up and where some of my family is now.

If you would like to contribute how many races you ran this year, the total mileage, and which one you liked best, click here and it will be added to the column above.

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