Races are Canceled, But Keep the Faith

by Kristen Garzone

It’s been an interesting two weeks to say the least. With all Spring races getting canceled or postponed, we runners understand why (obviously) but I have to say this -- it’s still OK to be sad and frustrated getting that dreaded email after pouring your heart into a training cycle. Feel those emotions as you should! It doesn’t make you less human for it.

I hit my 7th week of half marathon training for the NJ half when I got the email I knew was coming – RACE POSTPONED. That is when all the emotions really hit. I cried but that is because the past 7 weeks were filled with 4a.m. alarm clocks and hard work plus double days and strength training. To pour your blood, sweat, and tears into a training cycle and have nothing physically come from it is hard. Runners get that. I’m not saying I cried because the race was cancelled because believe me, I know it’s the right thing but it’s just the letdown of it all, without thinking about today’s current events. But that is when I made an important decision and that was to keep on training, to refuse to quit on myself.

So, this is my message to you to keep on training during a time when there are no actual races in sight. You know why? It is one thing while the world is in flux that you, on your own, can actually control. I view it as the one norm in my life right now, something that is needed for my mental health now more than ever. In an ever-changing time when you really don’t know what’s going to happen next, you have the freedom to still run outside, the freedom AND the blessing to run outside. And as runners, I think we are all forever thankful for that, especially in this trying time.

I will keep showing up and following my training plan. And on Sunday, April 26th, I will still run those 13.1 miles because even though I can’t be racing in NJ, I am still able to run for the miles I trained for.  Gyms are closing and races are being postponed, BUT the roads are ALWAYS open.

Happy running!

                                 Kristen with her daughter

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