The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

by Bill Dodds

                                  Bill Dodds is 1st person on the left

I am new to the area. I have only been here about 4 and a half years. I love to run, but exercising is not the only thing that I get out of it. Here is an incomplete list.

  • friends
  • learning about the people who live around me
  • learning other people’s stories
  • enjoying the outside
  • feeling that I belong
  • hearing laughter
  • feeling support of others
  • experiencing sights and sounds (and smells around dinnertime when I run through a neighborhood or city.)

I have made several local friends through running. I have also learned a vast amount from these friends. They are helping me transition from a pure runner to an athlete.

So what did the virus do to me so far? Take a look at the list above.

I now do not run in any groups, although I will meet individuals to run with. I was getting into yoga and now that is virtually totally online. Before I was going to three yoga classes a month and running with a group at least once a week, and very soon would have been twice a week.

So emotionally I am dealing with loneliness, among the other feelings. And I don't know when this will end. (Hopefully soon).

If you are going through any of this, you are not alone. We are actually all in this together.

I hope you are well.

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