Join the Guilderland Y’s Commit to be Fit Program

by Lisa DiCocco

The Capital District YMCA (CDYMCA) invites its members to sign up for “Commit to be Fit,” a free, 8-week program that promotes exercise, wellness, nutrition, group support and more! For those of you in the Guilderland area, the Guilderland Y’s program began the week of September 30 and concludes the week of November 24, 2019.  No worries if you’ve missed this round; we will be holding another 8-week series shortly after the New Year.

During each week of the Commit to be Fit program, you will be given activities and opportunities to earn points (for example, earn one point for completing 30 minutes of exercise, or attending a nutrition seminar). The amount of points you earn during a week will be tallied. Depending on the number of points you’ve earned during a week, your name will be entered to win a prize!  A different prize will be awarded each week. Additionally, you will have the chance to meet and motivate/be motivated by other Y members, move your body, and have fun learning about nutrition!

Commit to be Fit is a great opportunity to learn more about the CDYMCA and the healthy lifestyle that the CDYMCA promotes. You can also become involved in the great work that the CDYMCA performs in the community; be on the lookout for the upcoming Basket Brigade and Giving Tree programs, charitable programs that are successful because of our members’ support! 

As a runner, Commit to be Fit appeals to me because I can find motivation in the group support and have access to indoor equipment when the weather is inclement (treadmills, indoor track, pool, cardio equipment, weights).  Also, Commit to be Fit offers ideas and seminars on nutrition; we all know how much better we feel as runners when our nutrition is on point. I also like that the program has some level of accountability – why not earn a chance to win prizes while also staying active during the long winter months? ☺

If you are not a member of the CDYMCA and are interested in becoming a member, the CDYMCA has the perfect membership level for you! Please visit the CDYMCA’s website at, download the free CDYMCA app, email me at, or call 518-456-3634.

                                     Join me at the Guilderland Y and Commit to be Fit!

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