Passion Makes Me Run

by Christine Myers

When I began running four years ago, I never imagined running in college or winning one conference title, let alone two conference titles at NE10 championships. These two wins, however, weren’t the product of sheer luck- rather they were rooted in consistency and determination. If there’s one word that I have truly learned the meaning of over this past year, it’s sacrifice.

My life isn’t that of your typical college student. I will be graduating an entire year early, currently taking 20 credits, working, interning, and running track all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. I don’t party or go out, in fact, most of my Saturday nights are spent in the library or on a bus returning from a track meet. I’ve turned down endless nights out and social events in order to better focus on my training and my education. Most people think that I’m crazy and ask me, “How do you do it?” My answer is simple: passion. Passion can fuel you to accomplish anything and combat all odds.

Despite having a rather hectic schedule, each and every morning, I promise myself that I will get in my run and lift, even if that means setting an alarm for 4 AM and taking 23 minute cat naps in my car between classes. Success is a decision. There are 24 hours in a day - if you love something deeply enough, you will always find time for it.

When I crossed the finish line of those two races at conferences, I fell to my knees from exhaustion and sobbed. If I can stand at the end of a race, I know that I didn’t try hard enough. I don’t run for myself - I run for everyone in my life who has taught me that things inevitably get better. Each race, I refuse to give anything less than my heart and soul.

Post college, which is coming relatively quickly, I will be training full time with Nark Running. I’ve already signed up for my first full marathon, the lovely and local Hudson Mohawk in October. My goal is to run a sub 3:00 marathon and get as close to the B standard of 2:45 as I possibly can. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

A runner is nothing without their support system. I owe so much of my success to my coaches, Raymond Putnam and Mathew Nark. I wouldn’t be able to run the way that I do if it weren’t for these two believing in me. Through all of the aches, pains and bad days, I can always count on them. They have taught me what it means to run free and find peace within myself.

Campus watch: Saint Rose's Christine Myers a double winner
Runner sets school record in 5,000, also captures 3,000 at league meet

Facebook Videos of Christina’s Wins: 3,000 Meter  5,000 Meter

Christine Myers - Women's Track & Field - College of Saint Rose

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