ValleyCats Father's Day Home Run 5K

This year’s Father’s Day Home Run 5K race set an HMRRC record for the number of total wins by the same two male and female runners!!!  Anthony Giuliano and Brina Seguine each won the race for the seventh time. The Father’s Day Race started in 2006. That year Brina Seguine was the 1st place female winner (18:33) while Bob Irwin was first among the men. The next year saw Brina clock the fastest female time for the race of 18:17. Combing through the HMRRC records reveals that Tom Dalton won the Corporate Challenge 14 times, Lori Hewig won the Stockade-athon 7 times, and that Denise Herman won the Distinguished Service Race 7 times ( she has also run the Freihofer’s Race consecutively since it started in 1979 winning two times!). Now these are records!!

Each year, the Tri-City ValleyCats and Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club partner for a unique 5k road race that begins and ends at Joseph L. Bruno Stadium in Troy. This year, the 12th Annual Father's Day Home Run 5k was Saturday, June 17. Each registered participant received 4 FREE tickets to a 2017 ValleyCats regular season home game.

The first 275 registered participants received a commemorative race t-shirt! Following the race, there were refreshments including hot dogs, bagels, popcorn, juice, fruit, water, cookies and coffee. 

The race is truly a family affair. Fathers are encouraged to run with their children and this year 29 family teams competed.

Enjoy the Following Links: 

Overall Results 

Father-Child Teams 


Valley Cat History 

Lots of Photos by Ray Lee

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