by HMRRC runners
For this issue of The Pace Setter I polled various members asking them if they were running the MHR Marathon or Half-Marathon, how they were preparing and what they were hoping for? If you would like to be included in one of our running polls, click here. Enjoy reading the results below.
This will be my first Marathon. I have trained for 2 half Ironmen this past year, as well as a number of other races (Ragnars, trail runs, etc) , and qualifying for Boston has become an item on my bucket list. So I am hoping to accomplish this by doing the MHR Marathon, but doing it my first time might be a challenge. LOL.
I’m running the MHR Marathon and I’m using a plan in the Complete Book of Women’s Running. I’m hoping for a PR but I don’t want to jinx it by telling a time!!
I'm doing the local full. This cycle I joined the Albany Running Exchange and rearranged my goals. I just want to break 3 hours hopefully pushing my training partner Dallas across that mark as well. My training is pretty standard for a marathon 55 to 65 miles a week, a speed workout, some tempo miles. It's been so hot that my times have been slower this summer. It's been just day after day of extra suffering... and the one weekend it was cool in early September I went to Florida to visit my family. I did a 5k down there, and it at least gave me a humbling of what REAL heat is like. I was like 75 seconds off my usual time and couldn't speak for 15 minutes after the race. Then the day I flew back to Albany, the humidity came back as soon as the plane landed ... Funny how that works out.
I'm running the local marathon. My final quest in this distance is to break the elusive 3 hour mark. I generally have a good idea of how to prepare for a marathon at this point (18 completed). Get your long runs in, do your speed work and put in the miles. This year I decided to hire a coach for the first time (Dick Vincent) in August to help shave off the last few minutes I need by adding a little more structure and tweaking my workouts. I also gave up desserts for the month of September until after the marathon and plan on getting more sleep in the time leading up to race day.
I'm running the Mohawk Hudson full this year! Unfortunately I have not been very consistent in my training the last couple of weeks. I've been busy at work and recently got engaged, so I've been very distracted! I guess if I can run a sub 3:25 at this point, I'll be happy!
I’m using it as a training run for the NYC marathon. I’m doing the half and hoping for 1:55. For training for the fall and the half as well I’m using a mix of a Jack Daniels Plan and ARE runs and track workouts.
I love the course. It’s a great half and marathon. In 2014 I ran a 2:43 marathon and in 2015 a 1:15 half marathon. If I'm pain free, you will see me on October 7.
I’m running the half marathon this year. I’ve had a slightly different build up this team around because I stepped back from just running and did my first half Ironman in Lake Placid at the beginning of September. I’m just trying to get a couple of solid workouts and long runs in to build on the endurance strength that I have from my triathlon training. I’m not sure what to expect just yet- each workout gives me a little bit more insight about where my running fitness is. I’m hoping to be somewhere around 1:23-1:25!
I am running the HM Half as my tune-up race for the NYC Marathon! I have been coached by Mat Nark for over two years and he sets my schedule five days a week which I follow religiously! I am hoping for a sub 1:40 and praying Mother Nature is kind this year!