Congratulations to running phenom Patrick Carroll and Ashley Archambault on their engagement. We wish them much happiness.
Congrats also to Christine Bishop on her one year anniversary as the editor of The Pace Setter. She thanks all those who have helped to make each issue better; those who have participated in the running surveys; and Ed Neiles and Ray Newkirk for their guidance.
Winter Series Survivor
Marcia Adams sent out the following news that is very important and can make life easier for all those who like to run in winter:
Want to be a WINTER SERIES SURVIVOR! And to make it easier on you to obtain that goal, you have an opportunity to register ONCE for all five Winter Series events at one time, including volunteering at an event. This unique registration opportunity is open now and will remain open through December 7. There is no fee for HMRRC members so simplify your life; eliminate standing in long lines to register - register today on line. Your link to registration is: https://membercommunications-hmrrc.wildapricot.org/event-3114597
If you have any question, please contact her at madams01@nycap.rr.com
70-Year-Old Ohio Woman Runs Insanely Fast Marathon in Chicago
Click on picture for article
Jeannie Rice smashed 3:30 and set an age-group world record.
Click on picture for article
Pennsylvania 70-Year-Old Goes Sub-3:00 in Toronto
Ed Whitlock’s famous marathon mark, once considered untouchable, could be in trouble.