continued from home page
Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club members in good standing as of February 17 will receive a ten dollar discount on their entry fee to one race. In order to receive your discount you will be required to enter your Club member ID number at registration and your name as it appears in Club database. You can obtain your name listing and Club ID number by logging into http://members.hmrrc.com/ Once on the page, click on view profile tab to see your name and member ID.
If you are registered as a family, each of you has a distinct club member ID and each of you must use your own club member ID to register. If you plan to register, please take the time now to get your name listing and member ID number because there will be no adjustments made post registration. Over the years, these races have sold out quickly, so please consider registering early.
If you are not planning on running we'd love to have your help. Consider volunteering at http://mohawkhudsonmarathon.com/volunteer.html .
Thank You.
Maureen Cox, Race Director