by Christine Bishop
Cold, rainy, with strong blasts of wind, but nothing fazed runners who flocked to the Turkey Raffle Run at Tawasentha Park bearing goodies to raffle on Sunday, November 19. Organizers Randy and Kathy Goldberg and volunteers could easily be spotted preparing for the event by the colorful turkey hats they wore. Runners were greeted warmly and their offerings piled next to the 10 turkeys bought for the annual event sponsored by the HMRRC.
Before the race began, the adventure deepened when Randy announced that a large pine tree had blown down blocking the exit, but not to worry since there was plenty of food and a warm fire until it was removed. A call to the Town of Guilderland miraculously resulted in a quick clean up making it possible for all to go home by the time the event was over.
For an hour, racers could be seen covering the hills and trails at Tawasentha doing one-mile laps. Every lap earned a raffle ticket within the one-hour time limit. Randy Goldberg’s voice on the turkey megaphone could be heard echoing through the park cheerfully informing everyone how much time was left.
When the hour was up, Maureen Cox served hot soup from Bountiful Bread to all, and refreshments lined a table that was near a blazing fire. When all were relaxed and comfy, the raffle began launching the goodie-give away. The first winner picked the next raffle ticket until all the many prizes were gone. Most left carrying something and all had a smile of camaraderie. Plan on saving the Sunday before Thanksgiving 2018 for another Turkey Raffle Run with 10 delicious turkeys waiting for you to roast, delicious raffle prizes, and hot soup from Bountiful Bread.
Click here to see Bill Meehan's photo essay on the Turkey Raffle Run