Attendance: Marcia Adams, Tom Adams, Frank Broderick, Jonathan Golden, Ed Neiles, Ray Newkirk, Chris Nowak, Jon Rocco, Cathy Sliwinski, Jim Tierney.
Call to Order (Ray Newkirk):
1. Approval of September 14, 2016, minutes. Motion to approve minutes made by Marcia Adams, seconded by Jon Rocco. Motion passed.
2. Reports of Officers
2.1 President (R. Newkirk): Ray discussed how he planned on running the meetings and set up rules of order. He thanked John Parisella for his service as President. He indicated that he was now in the process of contacting the current Election/Nominating Committee to determine who are willing to serve. Dana Peterson, Election Chair, has already indicated that she will not be available. He will be contacting the remaining members.
2.2 Executive Vice President (F. Broderick): No report.
2.3 Executive Vice President – Finance (C. Nowak): Chris thanked Ray Newkirk for his past service and reports. He will begin working on the budget for 2017. In addition, he will be looking into the PayPal account. Currently the information on file with PayPal is out-of-date, including the contact person and the bank account connected to it. He will be updating all information so it will be current.
2.4 Vice President for Running Events (J. Rocco):
There were 4 races since the last meeting.
The Anniversary Races was held on September 18. The distances were 2.95 mile and 5.9 mile, with the 5.9 being a Grand Prix Event. There was a total of 63 finishers, down from 117 last year. The 2.95 mile had 27 finishers and was won by Peter Flynn and Kristen Hisplop. The 5.9 Mile had 36 finishers and was won by Chuck Terry and Colleen Bracket. Marbry (Pulver) Gansle, Burke Adams, Ed Thomas, and Don Wilken were introduced as being part of the inaugural race 45 years ago (1971). A thank you is extended to Pat Glover and Ken Skinner for directing. This will be their final year as directors. Volunteers were also thanked.
The Town of New Scotland 7.1 Mile was conducted on October 2 and was won by Ben Heller and Michelle Davis. There were 54 finishers, up from 49 last year. This is a Grand Prix event for under 40 years old runners. Thanks to Race Directors Ed Hampston, Todd Smith, and Martha Gohlke, as well as all the volunteers who helped make this race a success.
This past weekend, October 9, was the 15th year of the Hannaford Half. In almost ideal running conditions, the Half had 915 finishers, the 2nd most compared to last year’s record 935 finishers. 221 or 23.6% of the field had PRs. The male winner was Jacob Andrews of Troy in a time of 1:07:55, beating out last year’s marathon winner, Bryan Morseman. Samantha Roecker of Charlton was the female winner in a tie of 1:18:09, a new course record. The previous record of 1:18:41 was run by Diane Matthews in 2006. Samantha was 7th overall.
The 34th annual Mohawk Hudson River Marathon was also run on October 9. The Marathon had 1,113 finishers (vs. 1,145 last year). 335 or 30% had PRs, and there were 327 or 29.4% qualifying for Boston. Tyler Andrews of Virginia was the winner in 2:15:52, a new course record. The prior record was 2:20:59 held by Dale Keenan, who has won the event 6 times. This year, the top three men all ran faster than 2:21 – 2nd place at 2:17:25 posted by Louis Serafini, last year’s half marathon winner, and 3rd place winner Kip Tisia posting a time of 2:17:34. The female winner of the Marathon was Roberta Groner of New Jersey in a time of 2:37:54, the 2nd fastest female time recorded. She finished 9th overall.
A Race Committee Meeting was held on September 28. The 2017 Race Schedule is just about firmed up. Winter Series #5 and the Winter Marathon will be held on the same day and the marathon relay will be dropped. Consideration is being given to have the 20 mile race and marathon start at 9 a.m. with the 4 mile and 10 mile races starting at 10 a.m. Currently there are two Race Director positions open – the Anniversary Race and the Indian Ladder Trail Run. The process of firming up a date for Indian Ladder is ongoing; former Race Director Mike Kelly is checking with the Parks Department for a possible date in mid- to late-July. Plans are in the preliminary stages to enhance the Grand Prix program in an effort to attract a younger demographic and supporting competitive running by going to an attractive money format for the age groups. Race Directors are being asked their opinion on the preliminary plan.
There are no races prior to the next meeting. The next race on the calendar is the 41st Annual Stockade-athon on November 13.
Jon Rocco advised that the Race Committee had decided that the Summer Series races should continue for one more year.
2.5 Treasurer (J. Golden): See attached report. Total of general accounts: $444,141.45
After Jon’s report, there was a discussion of sharing information thru a Google drive and/or Google docs. Ray Newkirk asked the secretary to check into the details concerning the set-up of a Google drive and/or Google docs.
2.6 Treasurer of Running Events (C. Sliwinski): See attached report. Cathy reported that the Tawasentha Race reports have been submitted and there was a loss of $103.28.
2.7 Secretary (M. Adams): No report
3. Reports of Committees
3.1 Membership (D. Fisher-Golden): (Not present; report e-mailed) See attached report.
Total membership: 2835
Change in membership: +16
New memberships: 30
Facebook followers: 2,693 (+23)
Twitter followers: 255 (+5)
3.2 Volunteers (M. Adams): Brought to the attention of the Board that there was a good amount of water and Gatorade that was going to “age out” if not used. Because of the influx of new supply from the Marathon and Half, requested permission to donate these to the Saratoga Cross Country Races directed by Pat Glover. Permission was granted. Thank yous were extended to all the volunteers for the races this past month.
3.3 Public Relations (R. Moore): (Not present; report e-mailed and summarized here):
Press releases were sent to all papers about the Stockade-athon and Turkey Raffle Run. HMRRC had a booth at the Mohawk Hudson River Marathon Expo. Looking for volunteers to man the HMRRC booth at the Adirondack Sports and Fitness Winter expo on November 19 and 20.
Ray Newkirk would like to have a Communications Committee. He feels the Club needs to coordinate Facebook and Twitter as well as have more vigorous press releases. He will be preparing a proposal for discussion at a future Board meeting.
3.4 Website (E. Neiles): Still having a difficult time getting new material for the website and fresh material for the online PaceSetter.
3.5 Conflicts Committee (C. Nowak): Cathy Sliwinski presented a new Conflicts-of-Interest Policy for the consideration by the Board. It will be discussed at the next meeting.
3.6 Safety Committee (VACANT): Ray Newkirk mentioned that there is National Marathon Safety and Security Summit on December 12-14 in Biloxi, Mississippi. A discussion ensued regarding it. Ray advised there was money in the budget for attending and requested any Board member interested to let him know.
3.7 Grants Committee (F. Broderick): No report
3.8 Long Range Planning Committee (E. Neiles): No report. Ed questioned the need for this committee given that the Club now has a Board. He will schedule a wrap up meeting.
3.9 Just Run Program (K. Skinner): No report. Fall cross-country meet will be November 2 at Tawasentha Park.
4. Old Business:
Cathy advised that Watervliet Junior-Senior High submitted a budget for $5,000 grant approved last month. $3497 is for coaches, per teachers’ contracts and the balance is for transportation and officials. They will be attending 8 meets, 6 away meets and 2 home meets.
5. New Business: None
Motion to adjourn made by Marcia Adams at 8:55 p.m. Seconded by Cathy Sliwinski.