Attendance: Tom and Marcia Adams, Frank Broderick, Maureen Cox, Ed Neiles, Brian Northan, John Parisella, Jon Rocco, Ken Skinner, Lara Stelmaszyk, Jim Tierney
Call to Order (John Parisella):
1. Approval of March 9, 2016, minutes. Motion to approve minutes made by Ed Neiles, seconded by Jon Rocco. Motion passed.
2. Reports of Officers
2.1 President (J. Parisella): Ongoing discussion regarding USATF funding. Separate discussion followed regarding a grant that USATF received from their national organization for three youth XC races, and how that would involve HMRRC (a possible partnership is to be discussed in conjunction with HMRRC’s three established XC races at Tawasentha). Jon Rocco will follow up with USATF.
2.2 Executive Vice President (F. Broderick): Applications closed for Shrader Scholarship; down from last year. Discussion regarding Distinguished Service nominee. John Parisella nominated. Ken Skinner moved to accept the nomination; Maureen Cox seconded the motion. Vote taken; nomination approved.
2.3 Executive Vice President – Finance (R. Newkirk): (Not present; report e-mailed) HMRRC is now officially registered with the NYS Charities Bureau. Still need to provide a CHAR500 and supporting documentation to be in full compliance.
SEFCU has approved HMRRC’s acquisition of three credit cards: One for Maureen/MH Marathon (credit limit $5,000, race account), one for Cathy ($2,500 credit limit, race account), and one for John Parisella ($5,000 credit limit, general account). Mark Warner and Jon Golden turned down the opportunity to get cards. The cards will replace any existing debit cards and will be used to facilitate small purchases. (See Race Committee Treasurer’s report for additional information.)
2.4 Secretary (L. Stelmaszyk): No report
2.5 Treasurer (J. Golden): See attached report. Total of accounts: $388,431.94
3. Reports of Committees
3.1 Membership (D. Fisher-Golden): See attached report.
Total membership: 2,948
Change in membership: ‐133
New memberships: 42
Facebook followers: 2,609
Twitter followers: 236
3.2 Volunteers (M. Adams): (1) Van is being serviced (body work). (2) Marcia has compiled a list of volunteers—297 volunteer posts (226 different people)—utilized so far for 2016. (3) Doing work at the HMRRC clubhouse. (4) Has had people contact her about the Boilermaker bus; needs someone else to take over organizing that this year and has had some people express interest in doing so.
3.3 Public Relations (R. Moore): No report
3.4 Race Committee (J. Rocco):
Races since last meeting:
Runnin’ of the Green (March 12; HMRRC Grand Prix race). Race director: Brian Northan. 304 finishers, up 18 from 286 in 2015, the year the race had its debut at Schalmont HS. 229 of the 304 (75 percent) were HMRRC members. Winners: Eric Macknight (19:57; a course record) and Julia Flower (23:04). Last year’s winning time was 21:11. Things went well; the school lobby was used for refreshments, and the gym for awards.
Delmar Dash (April 3). Race directors: Aaron and Diana Knobloch. 441 finishers; down slightly from the 444 in 2015. 51 percent male, 49 percent female. 549 entrants (92 percent of whom registered online), so no-show rate was 20 percent.
Repeat winners from the Running of the Green: Eric Macknight (25:22) and Julia Flower (29:35.) 526 preregistered, 64 percent were HMRRC members.
A little bit of snow in the a.m., but the sun came out and the weather was certainly better than the following day, when the only big snowstorm of the season hit. 83 lbs. of food collected for Food Pantries.
Both Running of the Green and the Delmar Dash were heavily promoted through social media.
Upcoming races:
Masters 10K (Saturday, April 23). As of April 13, 42 entrants preregistered on the website. HMRRC Grand Prix race for 40+.
Mother’s Day 5K (Sunday, May 8). As of April 13, 91 preregistered on the website.
CDPHP WTC (Next meeting is April 27). Things moving along; as of the last meeting, entrants were up.
3.5 Race Committee Treasurer (C. Sliwinski): (Not present; reports e-mailed) Please see attached report. In addition, as of 3/31/2016, the Race Committee currently has a balance of $182,640.09. This large amount is primarily due to entry fees received for the Marathon and Half (which sold out in March), and entry fees and sponsorships for the Workforce Team Challenge. The other checking account balances are shown on the race treasurer’s report.
In March 2016, we moved forward with the goal to consolidate the multiple bank accounts held by HMRRC. The club had three Key Bank accounts, including the Workforce Team Challenge reward checking account and two checking/money market accounts. The funds from the Workforce Team Challenge checking account was deposited into the Race Committee SEFCU savings account ($7085.72). Funds from the other two Key Bank accounts were deposited into the Club’s General SEFCU savings account ($95,221.31).
Separate checking accounts for the MHR Marathon and the Stockadeathon remain open. The Marathon’s checking account will be closed and consolidated at the end of April. A meeting is scheduled later this month with Vince Juliano to discuss the benefits of consolidating the SEFCU Stockadeathon account into the Race Committee checking account and using Quickbooks Online for the Stockadeathon bookkeeping instead of the manual process currently used.
In March 2016, we began using Bill.com, an online bill paying program that syncs with our current Quickbooks accounting software. This program allows us to upload invoices (so we have a record of all invoices), classify the expense by account and race, and process for payment. Bill.com issues checks by mail or electronically, eliminating the need for the club treasurers to manually write checks, make copies of invoices, and do mailings.
3.6 Pace Setter and website (E. Neiles): Pace Setter needs more writers supplying content. Website work is ongoing.
3.7 Conflicts Committee (R. Newkirk): No report
3.8 Safety Committee (VACANT):
3.9 Grants Committee (R. Newkirk): No report
3.10 Long Range Planning Committee (E. Neiles): No report
3.11 Just Run Program (K. Skinner): Looks like there will be 26 schools in the spring program; 12 of the 26 are in the city of Albany. Meet is being held Tuesday, June 7, and Wednesday, June 8. Rain date: Thursday, June 9.
4. Unfinished Business:
Need to vote on proposal made at last meeting to provide $3,000 to USATF in support of its upcoming Junior Olympics program. Discussion followed. John Parisella made a motion to bring issue back on the table. Marcia Adams seconded. Marcia Adams made a motion to bring the issue to a vote. Frank Broderick seconded the motion. 9 votes in favor; 2 abstentions. Grant approved.
Status of committee to review races for 2017: John Parisella will be proceeding on this, probably in June. Discussion followed about possible adjustments to the race schedule.
5. New Business:
6. Announcements:
Motion to adjourn made by Marcia Adams. Seconded by Maureen Cox, at 9:30 p.m.