by Marcia Adams
This year, the Club has introduced a new Pace Setter – online instead of paper – and also a new website. I hope, as part of this new look, to maintain a list of those persons stepping up to volunteer to keep our club going.
A huge THANK YOU goes out to Maureen Cox, Mike Lee, and Steve Silverberg for lending a hand at each of the races. For HMRRC to put on these five events, there was a need for 210 volunteers. 156 people in total volunteered. Because of 30 people such as Maureen, Mike and Steve, who were willing to step up and work more than one event, the races went on without a hitch! It goes without saying, we would use more hands (and the heads, legs and bodies attached to them).
For the first two months of the year, we had 5 races. Linked below is a tally of the volunteers who, in one or more capacity, made these events possible. I use the Volunteer Waiver forms and/or lists provided by the Race Directors. Please note, there are three volunteers for whom I do not have a last name. If you are one of them, please send me your information by email so I can get it corrected before the next printing. Also, since my eyes are not as accurate in what they see, please check your name to verify I have it typed correctly.
If you feel you should be on the list and you are not, also let me know so I can make that correction. My email address is madams01@nycap.rr.com.
Some of our largest events for the year are yet to happen. Please take a moment, review your schedule and step up to volunteer at one – your help is needed even if you have never volunteered before.