Attendance: Doug Bowden, Frank Broderick, Brian Northan, Chris Nowak, John Parisella, Cathy Sliwinski, Lara Stelmaszyk, Jim Tierney
Call to Order (John Parisella):
1. Approval of April 13, 2016, minutes. Motion to approve minutes made by Ray Newkirk, seconded by Frank Broderick. Motion passed.
2. Reports of Officers
2.1 President (J. Parisella): Discussed bylaws related to nominations of slate of next year’s HMRRC officers.
2.2 Executive Vice President (F. Broderick): Received 33 applications for the 2016 Bill Shrader, Sr. Memorial Scholarships: 20 girls and 13 boys. Winners have been announced via e-mail; the winners themselves were contacted by e-mail and phone and have been invited to the June meeting of the HMRRC, though some of them have a conflict and won’t be able to make it. The committee received some nice thank-you notes from winners. Winners: GIRLS: Julia Flower (Schalmont HS), Olivia Munson (Duanesburg HS), and Victoria Spiezio (Greenwich Central HS). BOYS: Thomas Conboy (Saratoga Springs HS), Shawn Rousseau (Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake HS), and Joseph Somerville (Columbia HS). Ray Newkirk suggested issuing a press release to newspapers regarding the scholarship.
2.3 Executive Vice President – Finance (R. Newkirk): As account consolidation wraps up, having difficulty reconciling one aspect of the profit-and-loss statement with the bank balance and therefore filed for and was granted an extension to file HMRRC taxes, which were originally due on May 15.
2.4 Secretary (L. Stelmaszyk): No report
2.5 Treasurer (J. Golden): (Not present; report e-mailed.) See attached report. Total of accounts: $377,161.32. See attached report.
3. Reports of Committees
3.1 Membership (D. Fisher-Golden): (Not present; report e-mailed.) See attached report.
Total membership: 2,923
Change in membership: ‐25
New memberships: 42
Facebook followers: 2,626
Twitter followers: 236
3.2 Volunteers (M. Adams): Not present; no report
3.3 Public Relations (R. Moore): Not present; no report
3.4 Race Committee (J. Rocco): (Not present; report e-mailed)
Races since last meeting: There have been two races since the last meeting.
Bill Robinson Masters 10K, April 23. There were 83 finishers, up 2 from 2015. This year it was not a USATF Grand Prix race or USATF Adirondack 10K Championship. It was still a HMRRC GP race. Winners: James O’Connor (for the 3rd year in a row) and HMRRC club secretary Lara Stelmaszyk, who won for the women. Thanks to Jim Tierney for again directing, and thanks to the volunteers and Bountiful Bread for supplying breads and coffee.
Mother’s Day 5K, May 8. There were 298 finishers, down 31 from 2015’s 329, but up steadily with the three prior years, which averaged around 145. Congrats to Mollie Turner, who won the race. Thanks to Dee Fisher-Golden and Jon Golden, who directed once again. Thanks to the volunteers and sponsor, Best Fitness.
Upcoming races:
CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge, Thursday, May 19. The cap of 10,000 participants was reached roughly 24 hours before the end of registration. The final meeting for the Race Committee to be held this Thursday, May 12. There will be 521 teams this year—a new record. In 2015 there were 505, and in 2014 there were 482. We have a lead car, courtesy of Lia Auto Group. Thanks to Mark Warner, the coordinators, and CDPHP for their work putting together this event. Let’s hope for great weather.
Distinguished Service Race, Sunday, June 5.
Just Run track meet, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 7 and 8.
Valley Cats Father’s Day Home Run 5K: Registration is open.
Update on the Stockade-athon (from Vince Juliano, Race Director):
Registration for 2016 race expected to open on July 1.
Some positive notes: MVP Health Care has affirmed their satisfaction with our management of the race, our commitment to the Schenectady community, the kids’ run, and recognition of the MVP Health Care Brand by continuing their sponsorship of $12,000, plus use of their creative marketing team for the 2016 race. MVP is currently working on our postcard marketing piece, which may be ready by the Freihofer’s Run for Women 5K in early June.
Fleet Feet Sports, in partnership with Adidas, has affirmed their satisfaction with our management of the race and our commitment to competitive sport by increasing their cash prize structure donation from $5,500 to $8,000.
The YMCA, in partnership with MVP, has agreed to continue free use of their facility for packet pickup, baggage check, showers, and last-chance walk-up registration and will also provide dozens of volunteers to assist with finish-line activities, including the distribution of water, medals, and kids’ run goodie bags.
3.5 Race Committee Treasurer (C. Sliwinski): See attached report. Book balance, all race accounts: $195,939.41 (checking) and $22,332.77 (savings). Stockade-athon bank account has been closed; the monies have been incorporated into the club race account.
3.6 Pace Setter and website (E. Neiles): Reported by Ray Newkirk: Ed Neiles organized a meeting of the principal people involved in the website. Trying to allow access to more people so content can be updated without unnecessary layers of involvement.
The 1,800 members who have not yet logged in to the new website will be receiving a mailed notice with their new user names and passwords; e-mails were sent, but HMRRC has what seem to be faulty e-mail addresses for enough members that it seems to justify the need to mail notices, to be sure that members receive the information. These user names and passwords are different from those that are used to log in on the site (“Wild Apricot” site) where members manage their profiles and register for races and so forth (though members can change the new user names/passwords to match the other ones if they wish).
3.7 Conflicts Committee (R. Newkirk): No report
3.8 Safety Committee (VACANT):
3.9 Grants Committee (R. Newkirk): July 1 is the deadline for the next round of grants (grants that benefit the running community in general).
3.10 Long Range Planning Committee (E. Neiles): No report
3.11 Just Run Program (K. Skinner): (Not present; report e-mailed) We are expect 26 schools to participate at the spring track meet on June 7 and 8, with 13 schools coming on each day. The best guess is that about 500 kids in 2nd through 6th grades will be participating each day. There will be 5 schools participating in the spring program for the first time. The meets will be held at Guilderland HS this year, as the Union College track and football field will be closed for repairs soon and unavailable to us. The meets start at 3:00 PM each day and will wrap up between 6:30 or 7:00 PM. If anyone is interested in volunteering at either day of the track meets, contact me at kennyskin@earthlink.net.
4. Unfinished Business: Ray Newkirk authorized the check for USATF grant for the Junior Olympics and let Abby Atkins know that HMRRC treasurer Jon Golden will be issuing it.
5. New Business:
6. Announcements:
Frank Broderick will bring refreshments for the June meeting.
Motion to adjourn made by Cathy Sliwinski at 8:22 p.m. Seconded by Ray Newkirk.