Course Entertainment Coordinator: This individual is responsible for identifying the musical entertainment for along the race course on race day, including the bands/individuals who will perform and the locations where they will perform. On race day, they will ensure the appropriate equipment (tent, power, etc.) is available for the performers.
Team Captain Coordinator: This individual will be responsible for all communication with the team captains. They will provide guidance to the team captains to register themselves and their teams. They will coordinate the purchase of the team captain give away (i.e. hat, shirt, etc.). They will coordinate the preparation and distribution of team packets the day prior to the race and the day of the race.
Event Set-up Coordinator: This individual is responsible for ensuring the set-up of the Plaza and Finish Line area on race day. This will include determining the placement of tents and port-a-johns on the Plaza and in the State Museum area. They will work with the refreshment and t-shirt coordinators to ensure a clear flow of runners through these areas post-race. They will coordinate the ordering of signs and banners. They will be responsible for the hanging of banners and flags on the plaza and in the start/finish area.
If interested in learning more, contact WTC Race Director Mark Warner at mwarner1@nycap.rr.com