In 2017, HMRRC will offer cash awards for runners who place in its Grand Prix series. The awards will go seven deep in six age-group categories (29 and under; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70 and up) for both men and women. Only active club members at the time of an event will score points for that event. [Continued]
The Grand Prix prize structure is as follows:
1st $300
2nd $200
3rd $100
4th $75
5th $50
6th $35
7th $25
HMRRC events in the Grand Prix series include the following:
Place | Points |
1st | 12 |
2nd | 10 |
3rd | 8 |
4th | 7 |
5th | 6 |
6th | 5 |
7th | 4 |
8th | 3 |
9th | 2 |
10th | 1 |
Only six events are used to determine overall GP point totals. So, if a runner finishes first in four events (12 points for each first), second in three event (10 points for each second), and third (8 points in one event, his/her point total is 68 (with one of the second place finishes and the third place finish being dropped from the calculation).
Participation Rules
• Jon Rocco (VP of Running Events/Race Committee Chair) -- jonrocco@hotmail.com
• Brian Northan (GrandPrix Scorer) – bnorthan@gmail.com
• Ed Hampston (Grand Prix Scorer) – eddolfan@yahoo.com
Otherwise, scoring is according to age at time of race. Points may not be transferred from one division to another. No exceptions.
• First tiebreaker, head-to-head competition where the tie is between two runners.
• Second tiebreaker, comparison of number of wins in age category.
• Third tiebreaker, comparison of number of events in which points are scored.
A club member doesn’t have to do anything special to participate in the Grand Prix – other than show up and make sure his/her membership is current.